TCU Daily Skiff Masthead
Wednesday, September 11, 2002
news campus opinion sports features

Remember and honor the brave souls who gave all

The most important thing I’ve changed is that I’ve stopped asking “why”. I have learned to accept that there just aren’t answers to every question. Instead of asking why, I have learned to remember and honor. To remember and honor: the heroes clearing debris until their whole bodies ached with pain; firemen and policemen who ran into burning buildings to save the people inside, while giving no thought to their heroism; flight crews who were the first ones to die because they stood in the way of madmen on a mission. We all remember a city and a country that circled its arms around each other and reached out to help and comfort one another no matter our differences of background, opinion, or beliefs. Those are things I hope we never forget.

Tina Robertson, Physical Plant


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