PC to begin year with new leader, representatives
Brad Thompson becomes vice president
of Programming Council after former vice president Stephanie
Zimmer leaves TCU.
By Emily Turner
Staff Reporter
Brad Thompson is scheduled to be sworn in at the first
House of Student Representatives meeting on Tuesday
as the vice president of Programming Council, said Student
Government Association President Chelsea Hudson.
Hudson said Thompson is taking over the remainder of
Stephanie Zimmers term until formal elections
occur in November for next years SGA positions.
The swearing in is a way to present Brads
new position to the student body, Hudson said.
Technically, he already has the position.
Thompson, a junior radio-TV-film major, said he took
on the positions duties after Zimmer, a junior
marketing major, called him two weeks before school
started to tell him she would not be coming back to
I knew she was thinking about going home,
Thompson said. I just had no idea it would be
so sudden. I know Stephanie felt comfortable leaving
the position to me. She knew I could handle it.
Zimmer said she was in Fort Worth this summer working
as an Orientation Student Assistant and taking classes
at Tarrant County Community College before deciding
to go home for a semester for financial reasons. Zimmer
is attending the University of New Orleans and plans
to re-enroll in classes in January.
I knew Brad could handle my position, Zimmer
said. He had worked beside me for an entire semester
and he knew the way things needed to be done.
Thompson said he has a number of goals he would like
to see PC accomplish by the end of the semester. Among
his goals is keeping PC connected with other groups
on campus, he said.
I want to change the closed-off atmosphere of
Programming Council, Thompson said. I would
like to help groups take advantage of all the resources
TCU has to offer.
SGA advisor Larry Markley said according to PCs
bylaws, director of programming takes the position of
vice president in cases of emergency.
Markley said Zimmer left Thompson with a lot of responsibility,
including Howdy Week.
He had to move quickly, because everything was
rolling fast, Markley said.
Zimmer said she realizes Thompson gained a lot of responsibility
in a short amount of time. However, she said she has
heard positive feedback about Thompsons leadership
during Howdy Week and is confident he will handle his
new position well.
Thompson said being director of programming prepared
him for the unexpected change in positions. He also
said through his experience as a chairman and other
campus involvement, he is confident to begin the semester
as vice president.
I want to make the campus better for students,
Thompson said. I like seeing people enjoy things
I help to create. It makes all of my work worthwhile.

Thompson, a junior radio-TV-film major and former
director of programming, took office as the new
vice president for Programming Council this fall.