site becomes one-stop shop for College Survival Information
Student Connection looks to link
campus with college survival tips and daily events.
By Joi Harris
Staff Reporter
The start of this school year is not unlike any other.
Its about reconnecting to friends, hang outs,
and, most importantly, about classes and studying.
However, this year the notion of connection has taken
on a slightly different meaning. Students will not be
officially connected until theyve logged onto
the Student Connection.
The Student Connection is a new Web site created by
the Division of Student Affairs containing campus information
for students, parents, faculty and administrators.
We wanted to break down the walls between departments
and make the site a central clearing house where they
all come together, said Craig Elders, associate
director of Student Affairs Information Services.
Its kind of like a one-stop shop where students
can find all the information they need to successfully
survive college life.
So lets Get Down to Basics. The Student Connection
is to help students Get Involved and Succeed as a Student
by allowing them to Map a Career Path that focuses on
themselves. Most importantly they need to Stay Healthy
and Well while they Keep the Faith and Stay Safe. The
real trick is to do all that and keep up with Todays
411 at the same time. All of these subjects are tabbed
for easy access on the site.
The questions upperclassmen had as freshmen, are
now on the minds of new students, Elders said.
Heres just an easy way to find answers.
The FAQ or Important Numbers tabs are two of the more
helpful ones, he said.
We wanted to design the site to help students
find information in ways that made sense to them,
said Shelley Story, Campus Life coordinator and Web
page designer.
Students entering college without any idea as to what
they want to do can click on the Student Connections
Map a Career Path tab and find University Career Services
career counseling and an online resume program.
Under the Stay Healthy and Well tab students can find
resources for physical and mental health. In the same
place they can learn how to sign up for intramurals
and find an online screening for mental health.
The new site summarizes and simplifies any information
found on TCUs home page. The address is (www.sa.tcu.edu).