A Four Day Weekend
Five funny men and some improv-comedy
set the stage for an enjoyable evening at Four Day Weekend.
By Elizabeth Loveless
Skiff Staff
Grab a friend, a family member, a hot date or even go
it alone. You know you want to procrastinate just a
bit longer on your fun-filled weekend of studying. Four
Day Weekend provides a night of belly-aching, floor-rolling,
knee-slapping comedy and as a result business is booming.
The improvisational comedy group Four Day Weekend consists
of five great-looking guys David Wilk, Oliver
Tull, David Ahearn, Ray Sharp and Frank Ford. Saturday
night the crew performed in their cozy theater where
the Caravan of Dreams formerly was located and renamed
Four Day Weekend Theatre.
They began their show with a song about Tony the X-ray
Man, a poor sap from the audience in the 12th row who
works in a local hospital. The cast slid on their sauve
shades and shimmied across the floor singing about Tonys
job. His bright red face could be seen in the darkness
all the way across the theater.
Next Ahearn improvised a brief monologue, again using
a member or two from the audience for material. He got
to know the older man in the very front row whose name
was Dick. I dont know why, but that name
makes me laugh, Ahearn slyly commented.
In the next act, Ahearn migrated to the side of the
stage and whiped out the days newspaper and asked
the audience to choose a page number. He then randomly
chose a headline and the other performers created a
skit from lines such as, Everyone loves Popeyes
Chicken or Debbie Gibson. Just watching
them come up with comedic bits about completely out-of-the-blue
phrases was hilarious.
In my favorite bit, Wilks shuffles in from a corner
of the stage as none other than Roger Lodge, the corny
host from Blind Date. Again, people from the audience
were asked to shout out random things to make up the
career and hometown for the contestant on the dating
game (and yes this means he wants a date from an audience
member). The audience has now dubbed Dale
to be an underwater firefighter from Alaska and it is
now time for him to search for his unsuspecting victim,
or date, from the crowd. I was praying it wouldnt
be me.
The rest of the hour and a half was filled with other
comedic skits ranging from music videos to having Miss
Cleo read her tarot cards for only $317 a minute, with
the first three minutes free of course. The entire show
I was almost hoping they would slow down and let me
come up for air between laughs.
Four Day Weekend has been performing for about five
years now. Recently they have added some new technology.
Only two years ago, all the group had were three black
chairs and themselves. Today, interactive video screens
loom from the ceiling and green scene technology
is used for some of their scenes. In one skit, Ford
became a paranoid mime on the streets of a city for
a music video on the green screen. They can put anyone
anywhere on the green screen. Dale could
have even visited his hometown in Alaska.
Another advancement in technology is that they are able
to include audience members in their performance. They
really keep you on your toes. Only one woman was absolutely
mortified when the spotlight, otherwise known as the
Black Plague (well thats probably what she thought),
slowly glided through the air towards her, enveloping
her like a large wave overtakes a novice surfer.
This hilarious fab five gives a completely
improvised performance like nothing I have ever seen
before. They perform every Friday at 9 p.m. and every
Saturday at 7:30 and 10 p.m. Tickets are $15 each. Sorry
kids, no TCU discounts, but it is well worth the money.
Actual four day weekends are at the top of most peoples
list and this Four Day Weekend should be, too.
For more details, visit (www.fourdayweekend.com).

of Four Day Weekend
Day Weekend has reappeared on the downtown scene.
The comedy troupe bought the former Caravan of
Dreams and renamed it the Four Day Weekend Theatre.