TCU Daily Skiff Masthead
Wednesday, September 4, 2002
news campus opinion sports features

Study abroad is what one makes it, not handed out.

David Reese’s recent column (“Study abroad does not improve language skills ... ”) was such an excruciatingly embarrassing piece of whiny melodrama, I could hardly believe it was turned in for actual publication.

While $500 more would’ve made Mr. Reese enjoy his time in Mexico, I’m sure a bit of maturity would’ve helped him even more.

I studied in London in fall 1998, and like a lot of other TCU students on that trip, I saw the world in a completely different way when I came back. It was one of the most meaningful experiences of my college career.

But to appreciate that kind of experience, you have to make it what you want it to be. Take responsibility for it. Pretty simple. The International Education office isn’t going to bring you breakfast and hold your hand for that. And griping like a middle-schooler about it in a college newspaper doesn’t score any points with the readers either.

Save your column space for real issues, not over-dramatic diary entries, please.

Jeff Meddaugh, ‘99 alumnus


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