Loyal member awarded
impacting, hard working, dedicated, loyal, determined
and organized.
Any organization would be lucky to have a member embodying
these qualities. Student Foundation lucked out with senior
accounting major Megan Cederburg. |
the award goes to...
Bhasin/Staff Photographer
basketball coach Neil Dougherty awards junior guard
Corey Santee the MVP Pop Boone Award at the Athletics
Banquet Tuesday in the Student Center Ballroom. |
honored at Whos Who banquet
rolled out of bed early Saturday morning to be recognized
for their academic and philanthropic achievements at the
annual Whos Who Among College Students
banquet. |
gives credit to cultural students
of over 15 of TCUs cultural organizations gathered
Friday night for the Sixth Annual Intercultural Banquet,
which featured dinner, an awards ceremony and a dance.
r |
has big plans for future but must finish commitments
Benton has crammed more into her last three years at TCU
than most college students have in the past 10 years.
By the time many students roll out of bed and scramble
to an 11 a.m. class in pajamas, Benton, a junior musical
theater and advertising and public relations major, has
been up for hours, either working at one of her four jobs
or participating in one of her many organizations. |
students share kudos in Facility Team Leader award
Guhl, a senior psychology major, and Lawrence Lobpries,
an MBA student, are two very different individuals. Guhl
loves children and is looking to go to graduate school
to become a family counselor. Lobpries has a wife and
a daughter, who is nearly 2 years old, and works every
day and night. It seems that they dont have anything
in common but they are sharing the Facility Team Leader
of the Year Award from the department of Campus Recreation. |
convocation awards students, prof
of the TCU Honors Scholar Award, Phi Beta Kappa electees
and the Honors Professor of the Year were recognized at
the 42nd Annual Honors Convocation, which included a speech
from Princeton University professor Alexander Nehamas. |