management skills allow for the best parts of college
to be longer, not just work
Matt Looloian
Skiff Staff
Lance Kearns is a busy young man.
In any given week, the freshman history major will attend
15 hours of class, go to meetings for Hyperfrogs, BYX
(a Christian fraternity), the Chancellors Leadership
Program, TCU Ambassadors and Hall Council, participate
intramural sporting events and find time to spend with
his friends and girlfriend.
College is one big time management game, Kearns
His situation is not uncommon for a student looking to
get involved in the 180 plus clubs and organizations at
TCU. So how important is time management?
Time management is essential for success in school and
after graduation, according to Susan Harris, the study
skills facilitator at the Center for Academic Services.
College students today are busier and have more
opportunities than ever before, Harris said. More
can be accomplished in a day with order.
Harris said most students struggle with time management
to different degrees. She added that for most students,
time management is a learned skill.
TCU has several resources for those seeking help with
time management. The Center for Academic Services offers
a Planning for Academic Success workshop at the beginning
of each semester. It also employs a study skills facilitator
to aid students with time management and other study skills.
The TCU Counseling Center also provides assistance to
students looking to improve their organization and time
planning strategies. There, a student can find handouts
on the subjects of study skills, time scheduling and procrastination.
Additionally, Connections, a free program offered by the
Leadership Center for freshman and transfer students,
teaches different approaches to time management and other
skills necessary for success at TCU.
For students struggling with time management, Harris suggests:
Prioritizing your activities
Utilizing a planner
Taking advantage of professors assistance
Knowing your learning style
As Harris pointed out, there are more opportunities for
college students today than ever before. Students should
not shy away from getting involved simply for a fear of
time management. Kearns agrees.
If you just go to class, youre missing out
on opportunities, Kearns said. Dont
get over-involved, but pick one or two things you like
and stick with them. |
management tips given to new members of Greek organizations
by the Panhellenic Director of Scholarship:
1. Plan a schedule of balanced activities. It should be
flexible, but it should also let you know your time commitments
each week.
2. Utilize odd hours of the day. You will be surprised
at how much you can accomplish!
3. Schedule leisure time the same way you do work time.
4. Trade time; dont steal it. If unexpected events
arise that take the time you had planned to study, adjust
your schedule to make up the difference.
5. If possible, develop a consistency in where and when
you study. This will save you time. Less to think about,
6. Make good use of peak times. Study your hardest subjects
when you feel the most energetic.
7. Never put off to the last minute assignments you have
known about for weeks.
8. Keep a big calendar and label events, deadlines and
other important dates. Organize, Organize, Organize!!
9. Each night, prepare a list of things to do for the
next day.
10. On test days, arrive early so you can be organized
and ready. |