outside your mold brings many opportunities
to life
Kina Garrison
Skiff Staff
There is more to college than simply studying, getting
good grades and graduating. Its a social life.
Part of a social life is getting involved
on campus in clubs and organizations.
A good way to begin is to find certain groups that interest
you. If you are not sure exactly what you might enjoy,
it helps to join many different types of organizations
to see if any spark an interest. With more than 200 campus
organizations, anyone can find somewhere to belong.
Mike Sacken, an education professor, said TCU definitely
offers a variety of organizations on campus, and with
such an active student body, most students love participation.
It seems as though we admit a very active population,
Sacken said. Theres about anything a person
could get interested in and theres a collection
of TCU students doing it.
Sacken said getting involved in college serves countless
benefits such as escaping high school and hometowns and
entering TCU. He said meeting new people, trying on new
identities, developing new skills and learning to fit
in as a newbie are a few of the benefits freshmen
With so many organizations on campus, students find enjoyment
through a variety of groups. But it is impossible to know
for sure if something is interesting unless it is attempted.
As youre starting your freshmen year, look
into anything that sparks your interest, said Kelsey
Zoellner, the Panhellenic president. As you learn
about these things, pick and choose your favorites and
put your energies into that; and if anything else, just
to meet people.
Student Government Association President Jay Zeidman said
getting involved is a great way to develop yourself outside
of the classroom and become socially interactive.
Getting involved allows you to develop skills you
can use in the real world and gives you the chance to
make some great friends, Zeidman said. The
experiences you have are what keep you coming back to
TCU year after year.
Zeidman said getting involved gave him the chance to learn
what he is capable of doing and the chance to learn his
strengths and weaknesses.
According to the Tufts Interns Preparing Students Web
site, interview committees like students who are involved
in activities outside of schoolwork, which helps them
see the student as a person.
Being involved in outside activities also shows
that you have time-management and organizational skills,
the Web site states.
Joining clubs and organizations can help chances of getting
a job after college by proving that the student did more
in school than just study. If time is scheduled well,
getting involved will help students avoid wasting significant
hours doing nothing. This proves a persons capability
of multitasking and balancing time.
However, an overloaded schedule with too many activities
can interfere with grades. When thought out carefully,
the advantages of involvement become greater.
Getting involved exceeds gaining organizational and time-management
skills it allows you to give back to the campus
and the community.
Getting involved really allows you the chance to
make a true difference for your campus, Zeidman
said. It gives you the opportunity to give back
to your surroundings and at the same time, do what you
enjoy most.
HyperFrogs President Kennedy Shuler said a person can
gain so much by supporting the campus and the community.
The TCU campus benefits from programs or activities
you may implement, Shuler said. The greater
community benefits because of your involvement, and you
may touch the lives of people outside of TCU in a positive
Zoellner said her experiences have allowed her to meet
people from both TCU and the Forth Worth community. This
has increased her awareness of the entire student body
and the issues that surround it, she said.
As a senior, I look back and wish I would have been
more involved on campus, said John Matye, a senior
marketing major. I now see the benefits and know
that it would have enhanced my college experience in a
variety of ways.
Matye said although he was somewhat involved, he wished
he would have looked into TCUs multitude of organizations.
These type of organizations do not usually exist
outside of college so take the opportunity to get involved
while you can, Matye said.
With so many organizations, students have little excuse
for not getting involved.
Zeidman said, Whether you are interested in politics,
leadership or mountain climbing, there is something for
everyone. |