conscious of classes taken keeps you on track
Mark Lettieri
Skiff Staff
With all the opportunities for wild, uninhibited debauchery
that the modern collegiate experience provides for incoming
freshmen, one of the last things on the mind may be classes.
Trouble is, studies are the sole reason why your parents
are forking over loads of cash, so you can at least pretend
to study. But seriously folks, if taken advantage of properly,
the advising process at TCU can set you up with the right
classes for your chosen major, and ultimately prepare
you for an exciting job after college.
The advising process is managed by professors within each
major. When a student enrolls, he or she will be assigned
an adviser. Then, when a student declares a major, he
or she will be assigned to an adviser within his or her
Steve Levering, a journalism professor, is one of those
Its like getting someone else to proof your
paper before you turn it in, Levering said about
the advising process. Sometimes theyll catch
something that you completely missed.
Levering said it helps because students will know where
they stand with classes they need and their expected date
of graduation.
I enjoy doing it, and its an excellent way
for students to stay on track academically, he said.
Dont expect the faculty to hold your hand or do
everything for you, though.
When going to meet with an adviser, have a plan
and ask lots of questions, said Erica Edwards, a
sophomore international communications major.
You have to help them help you, she said.
Before theyre even advised, new students should
be aware of the University Curriculum Requirements. UCRs
consist of many types of introductory-level courses selected
from all types of majors, designed to give students a
feel for what major they may wish to pursue.
Fulfill as many UCR courses as early as possible,
said Vince Guerin, a recent TCU graduate who holds a degree
in computer science. Try out low-level courses from
different majors of your interest until you find one that
you love.
There is no shame in entering TCU with a premajor,
or with no major decided yet, he said.
Guerin said students need not fear changing their majors
because advisers are there to keep students on the right
So, new students of TCU, there you have it: a few simple
notes about the advising process. Remember, your professors
are here because youre here, but keep in mind that
you must be prepared for an advising session in order
to make your adviser work for you. In other words, make
the appointment worth your while.
Then, once you call your parents to tell them about the
brand-spankin new schedule, you can go indulge in
all those other college activities. |