April 22, 2004 |
should try to stick to his guns
shifts stance on Israels harsh policies
Prime Minister Ariel Sharons hostile policies have
produced more and more conflict in an area of the world
that is already rife with violence. President Bush has,
in the past, taken the sensible steps to condemn such
brutal actions, but his administration seems to be changing
that position for what appears to be nothing more than
election year politics.
While Israel unquestionably has the right to defend itself,
Sharons attempt to disengage from Palestinian territories
has been marked a controversial wall which amounts to
nothing more than a land grab and two assassinations that
have antagonized Muslims all over the world.
In the past, Bush has had enough sense to confront Sharon
when he took a position that was blatantly wrong. Now,
however, hes applauding the work of a man many Jews
even dislike so that he can swing a few votes in Novembers
Supporting Israel is a big issue with Jews in the United
States. According to Nathan Diament, a lobbyist for the
Orthodox Jewish movement, Jews in the United States have
an 80 percent turnout rate. Their support could mean a
lot in swing states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania or the
infamous Florida.
Republicans in Washington would have us believe that the
administrations move to support Sharon is a policy
decision, but the obvious political maneuvering and benefits
involved show that Bush is merely trying to secure his
A president who talks so much of standing on principles
should be more willing to stick to his previous position
than change his opinion to gain votes. Maybe Bush should
try to win votes by being honest and moral instead of
scheming and advantageous. |