April 22, 2004 |
TCU journey through the Skiff
Morris is a senior new-editorial journalism major
from Arlington.
semester since I came to TCU, I have read the columns
of Skiff seniors soaking up advice or just getting a good
To me, the columns are more than just words from strangers.
Theyre my friends. Some of them, my best friends.
Now, is it really my turn?
Until this semester, I pretty much lived at the Skiff.
Skiff reporters and editors were my instant family who
I didnt really want to move away from. Might sound
weird, but Im an only child. Maybe that has something
to do with it. Maybe thats why I didnt move
out of the house until last semester.
You may have seen me wearing my blue TCU hat while moving
feverishly around the newsroom on the second floor of
Moudy. When I wasnt moving, I was glued to a computer
Its funny how much you can miss a place when it
stressed you out so much. I do like journalism. I love
it on some days, and other days I cant stand it.
Theres got to be something that brings me back.
Nobody likes what they do all the time, and if they do,
theyre hiding something.
Ive learned a lot of things while at TCU, but some
things have been said more than others. My journalism
professors say Ill never make much in the business.
They say you have to have a passion for it. I do on most
And they say theres nothing nine to five about journalism.
That is already quite clear to me. Ill graduate
from TCU not having gone to many frat or sorority parties.
I still cant tell the difference sometimes between
which set of letters are a sorority and which are a fraternity.
But dont feel sorry for me. I have no regrets. I
joined the Skiff chapter instead.
I wish I did let go and do a little more typical college
stuff before now. Im not saying keg stands or marijuana.
More time spent watching sporting events in the stands
with friends instead of the press box or meeting more
people in my dorm at wing socials would have been nice.
But being a journalist has its perks. The job can surprise
you at any hour. I spent Friday afternoons talking to
former chancellors and rugby players. I sat on the sidelines
as the TCU womens basketball team went to its first-ever
NCAA Tournament. I can tell my children I was a sports
editor at the Skiff just like Bob Schieffer, the legendary
newsman and TCU alumnus. Not everyone can say that.
Ill leave TCU still a procrastinator (I blame it
on my major) and as big of a Dallas Stars fan as when
I came. The only thing the Skiff and my journalism professors
didnt teach me is how to balance a life around a
job that doesnt quit.
I guess Ill have to get that advice from reading
another senior column. |