TCU Daily Skiff Friday, April 16, 2004
Frog Fountain
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Journalism department to launch advertising agency in fall
An alumnus and former advertising CEO will lead the student-run advertising/public relations firm when it starts.

In an effort to market its students to the nation and provide them with real world experience, the journalism department announced Thursday it is pursuing plans to launch a student-run advertising/public relations agency in the fall.

The program would be the first of its kind in the United States, said Tommy Thomason, department chairman.

“This has been in my master plan for the department for the past four years,” Thomason said.
Ronnita Miller/Staff Photographer
Sally Glass, a sophomore psychology major, practices a song during the fourth annual PeaceFest Thursday in front of Frog Fountain.
Assigning roommates to RAs sometimes vital
Many resident assistants are assigned roommates to help ease the residence hall overflow problem.

With an overwhelming demand for on-campus housing and not enough beds, TCU will assign roommates to resident assistants in the fall to help ease the problem.
TCU Chorale members prepare to tour Midwest
Beginning May 9, members of the Concert Chorale and Symphony Orchestra will perform in four major Midwestern cities.

The School of Music is preparing to send 130 students on a weeklong tour of the Midwest.
Political group’s festival features fun, face painting

In front of Frog Fountain, amid a backdrop of the perfect spring day, the political activist group Peace Action held its fourth annual Peace Fest.
Club tackles gay marriage issue with debate
At a Philosophy Club meeting, a TCU English professor shared her reasons why gay marriage should be allowed.

Banning gay marriage denies social justice to human beings and is harmful to our society, said an English professor at the Philosophy Club’s meeting Thursday night.
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