TCU Daily Skiff Wednesday, April 14, 2004
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AHO still planning Kenya trip

AHO wants to make it very clear that the trip to Kenya is not completely canceled. We are working on other arrangements. I want to make it very clear that if any writers in the Skiff want to post an article, they need to first do research on the topic beforehand and have accurate information.

First off, AHO is NOT and has never planned a trip to Israel; that is false information. In addition, the trip to Kenya is based on two humanitarian projects. One is to finish school construction and help a build water tank in Baringo and the other is to work in Kibera to build translucent roofing and provide classroom furniture.

The aspects of our projects, such as providing roofing for an alternative to electricity, providing a technique to obtain clean water, and promoting education about sanitation is not something that you can just wait on. It is a necessity and not a luxury. There are many dying day by day. The question is not “Why don’t you just go next year?” The question to be asked is “Why didn’t you go last year and the year before that?” This is an urgent matter — when it comes to human lives, there are no policies, no timelines, no agendas. It is about using the strength that God has given us to find the strengths in others. That is what humanity is about. “No man is an island entire of its own,” remember that? What ever happened to “being my brother’s keeper?”

Being ethical is about taking action and standing for something you believe in, even if you are standing alone. Being ethical is about living out the true meaning of life. Learning to change the world should not just be a message spread across a billboard or writing on paper. Changing the world is done by action, sincere consideration and true intention. What does that say when the university can not support a trip to fulfill the TCU mission statement to "educate individuals to act and think as ethical leaders and responsible citizens in a global community." Is this just a message on paper or is it a call to action? If it is a call to action, it is not very effective. I challenge TCU students and the local community to look outside of yourself and your situation, and for one moment think about others who are in dire need of clean water, electricity and health care.

We have an obligation to be a voice for the voiceless. We should be urged to support each other as brothers and sisters, in the name of humanity. Isn't that what Christianity is about? So, why does it feel so difficult and why are there so many obstacles in the way when one wants to do good for others? Is this society about doing what is RIGHT or doing what is "politically correct?” I challenge everyone to look at this matter more closely.

By the way, the trip to Kenya is not over and the plane will leave U.S. soil and land in Kenya when the time is right. TCU is not the only financial source around. With God on our side, who can be against us?

— Rahwa Neguse, junior sociology major

Editor’s note: This is in response to “Policy prevents trip from receiving funds” in the April 7 edition of the Skiff. Jonathan Ogujiofor, African Heritage Organization’s adviser, is quoted in the story saying that a trip to Israel was canceled last year. A TCU policy prohibits university funds from being used to send faculty, staff and students to countries with U.S. Department of State travel warnings.

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