TCU Daily Skiff Thursday, April 8, 2004
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Alcohol awareness drive to educate students at risk

By Ferrell Fields
Staff Reporter

Students, faculty, staff and community members will have the opportunity to get information and feedback on drinking today during the sixth annual National Alcohol Screening Day.

Angie Taylor, director of the alcohol and drug education center, said this is an awareness opportunity for people to gain information about drinking in an unbiased manner.

The program is designed to provide outreach, screening and education about the effect of alcohol on people’s health.

Participants can take a screening questionnaire that ranks their alcohol use from high to low. After completing the questionnaire, participants will have a short interview with a counselor to discuss the results.

The counselors are there to provide personal feedback related to individual alcohol use, Taylor said. If the questionnaire indicates a problem, they will provide information so they know just where their limit is.

Students do not have to take the questionnaire but can still come by and get information, Taylor said.

It is important for all us to be able to judge how much you are able to drink, Taylor said. This is a chance for people to become more aware of their drinking behavior, she said.

This is the sixth year TCU has hosted one of many screening sites across the nation.

The screening will be held in the Student Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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