groups set for debate
Young Democrats and the College Republicans are preparing
for their first debate.
John Anderson
Staff Reporter
Two campus political organizations will try to raise awareness
for important issues in the presidential election Thursday
in their first-ever debate.
Four prominent issues in the presidential election will
be discussed by members of Young Democrats and College
Republicans including: Free trade vs. fair trade, tax
reform, homeland security and gay marriage, said Megan
Brown, a Young Democrat member.
Student Government Association President and College Republican
member Jay Zeidman said the purpose of the debate is not
to sway anyone to a certain side but to spark interest
in the election.
We are going to portray our partys platform
but we will leave it up to the audience to make their
own decision, Zeidman said. We are just trying
to encourage students to vote and listen so they can make
an informed decision.
Members from both groups expressed concern that some students
may be too apathetic to vote.
I think students just dont care, said
Samantha Cheatham, public relations chairwoman for the
College Republicans. A lot of people think that
one vote doesnt make a difference.
Zeidman said, The goal of this is to reduce voter
apathy and get people to vote. We are so focused on our
school work that it is hard to pick up The New York Times
and see what is happening politically. We are so focused
on what is happening here that we are not concerned with
the global picture.
Both of the student groups have been studying the four
key topics for the upcoming debate.
Kenny Thompson, vice president of Young Democrats, said
they are preparing themselves to refute any rebuttal the
College Republicans could make.
Cheatham said the College Republicans have been doing
their own research on the topics.
We are trying to stage a mock debate within our
group to prepare for any question the Young Democrats
or audience might have, she said.
Andrew Hepworth, a sophomore political science major and
Young Democrat member, said the debate is important for
students want to vote but dont know who they want
to vote for.
Hopefully we will be able to guide them to a proper
decision and answer any questions the student body might
have, he said.
Zeidman said its important to reduce apathy on campus
and increase domestic and global awareness.
Thompson said that anyone is welcome to attend the discussion
and join in on the first debate between these two political
This is the first debate between the College Republicans
and the Young Democrats and we hope there will be more
to follow, said Mike Boone, a College Republican
member. The College Republicans are a new organization;
we have only been around about a year and a half, so we
have not had the opportunity to do this until now. |
Young Democrats and the College Republicans have their
first debate at noon Thursday in the Student Center Lounge. |