in a new era
speaks of universitys potential
Boschini spoke on the universitys potential for
the future during his inauguration speech.
Staff Reporter
TCU is a wonderful institution, but it could be even better,
Chancellor Victor Boschini said during his inauguration
ceremony Wednesday.
TCU is a remarkable place whose achievements are
exceeded only by its opportunities, he said.
Boschini spoke on enhancing the TCU experience, enriching
its academic life, enlarging opportunities for its student
body and elevating its prestige as an institution.
He touched upon the goals and plans of TCUs strategic
planning initiative, Vision In Action.
The VIA group is examining our aspirations in the
context of todays realities, so that we can refine
our focus and set goals that match our character with
our capabilities, he said. In short, we are
setting a new strategic agenda for TCU that truly puts
our vision in action.
I encourage all members of TCUs extended family
to participate, whether in town hall meetings or by directly
communicating with the Vision in Action team.
Boschini is looking forward to provost-designate Nowell
Donovans academic leadership and hopes his guidance
will help usher in a new era of greatness for the university,
Boschini said.
Whatever we accomplish as an institution will be
a reflection of the strength and commitment of the exceptional
people who define TCU, he said.
Boschini also dedicated a portion of his speech to recognizing
the achievements and qualities of the universitys
TCU is unapologetically student centered,
he said. Our students are the source of our energy
and the reason for our efforts.
TCUs status, when compared against other universities
across the nation and the world, does not reflect what
he has come to know of the university, a fact he said
he looks to change.
This is our time to assume a higher place in the
national pantheon of universities, he said.
Sociology instructor Keith Whitworth said he found Boschinis
speech very motivating.
I was very pleased to hear that he is very supportive
of the liberal arts and the connection with the community,
he said. I was also pleased to hear that the renovation
of the Student Center is of vital importance to him, as
is renovation of the education and dance buildings.
Whitworth said he found the speechs conversational
nature enjoyable.
I think his style of relating to people is very
pleasant and warm, and it was obvious in his speech,
he said.
Carolyn Ulrickson, director of Career Services, said she
is impressed with how Boschini focus on students.
I know he has a very complex organization to run,
but how much emphasis he puts on the students impresses
me, she said.
Ulrickson said Boschinis plans for the universitys
future will help push TCU into excellence.
He has a good vision of the future without really
rushing in, she said.
TCU must move ahead with planning for the future, Boschini
Nobel Prize winning novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez
has said He who waits much can expect little,
Boschini said. We cannot wait, because the
future is now for the students of TCU. |
Spillman/Staff Photographer
The universitys 10th chancellor spoke of his
plan for TCU and the road ahead. |
Spillman/Staff Photographer
Chancellor Victor Boschini receives the TCU medallion
from Nadia Lahutsky, who chairs the Faculty Senate,
and Chairman of the Board of Trustees John Roach,
at his inauguration Wednesday. |