April 1, 2004 |
suspects identified by investigators
students hurt in an incident at Eagle Mountain Lake have
decided they will press charges.
Mae Jorgensen
Staff Reporter
The suspects in the alleged assault of two students during
Spring Break at an Eagle Mountain Lake campground have
been identified by investigators, the Tarrant Country
Sheriffs Department said Wednesday.
Investigator Micheal Hargis said the names and number
of assailants could not be released because it is an open
investigation. The suspects in the incident were identified
by other means, Hargis said. He declined to
Suspects have been developed, Hargis said.
They have been identified and statements have been
Hargis said he has taken statements from the suspects,
victims and witnesses. The investigation could be complete
by the end of next week, he said.
Five students, two American and three international, were
camping next to a group of young adults March 20 they
had befriended when something went south during
the course of the night, Associate Dean of Campus Life
Mike Russel said last week.
According to a Sheriffs department incident report,
the victims, Marlin Gusman, 19, and Rajvikram Singh Deo,
20, originally did not want to pursue charges because
they said they would not be able to identify who assaulted
them. University officials have said they believe the
incident may be racially motivated.
They changed their mind about pursuing charges,
Hargis said. They were initially so shocked they
just wanted to leave the campground.
Singh Deo said he did not want to press charges because
he was confused.
I guess we were not used to the whole American police
thing, Singh Deo said, and that made us uncomfortable.
Hargis also said he could not comment on any specific
injuries the victims sustained. Pictures of the victims
injuries were not taken, Hargis said.
No pictures were taken of the injuries because they
didnt want to press charges, Hargis said.
Singh Deo said his injuries were primarily facial
and that he was not sure about Gusmans injuries.