and a death?
mystery to test Brachman residents
Hall residents will put their investigative skills to
work during a murder mystery dinner theater.
Kristy Cubstead
Staff Reporter
A murder will soon take place in Pond Street
Grill, and residents of Brachman Hall will be there to
witness and try to solve it.
Brachmans Hall Council is putting on a murder mystery
dinner theater 7 p.m. Friday for an expected 50 to 60
Brachman residents, who will enjoy a four-course meal
while viewing the theater show.
This event will help fulfill Brachmans requirement
that they hold three programming events every semester.
Eight members of Brachmans Hall Council will act
out a murder set in the early 19th century, decked out
in era-appropriate costumes and makeup. Theyll even
speak in accents.
Ben Dalton, who will play Rog in the dinner theater, said
he and the other members of hall council have been practicing
once a week for about a month.
We wanted to do this to build a better community
in Brachman, Dalton said.
Claire Sellers will play Florence Wing Brooks in the theater.
She also said the hall council thought the murder mystery
would be a fun way to bring together the Brachman community.
The event will cost approximately $500 and is free for
residents right now, said Amber Sutor, Brachmans
head resident assistant. If the cost becomes more then
their budget, students may be asked to pay a couple of
dollars each.
The funding for the murder mystery will come from Brachmans
hall council budget. Every hall council receives a certain
amount of money for every student it houses, which goes
toward its hall council budget.
The dinner theater is only open to residents of Brachman
this year. Sutor said if the event is a success, the hall
may consider opening it up for all students next year.
Everybodys always wanted to do a murder mystery,
and I think this will be a lot of fun for everybody involved,
Sellers said. |
Chacko/Photo Editor
fly when members of the Brachman Hall Council rehearse
the final scene of a murder mystery dinner theater. |