TCU Daily Skiff Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Frog Fountain
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What we love, what we hate about break
Things that made our week without classes great

Cheers: To watching the sunset in Florence.
Jeers: To American Airlines for messing up EVERYTHING!

Cheers: To eating mom’s home-cooked fried chicken.
Jeers: To having nothing better to do than to go home.

Cheers: To sleeping in and lying in front of the television.
Jeers: To 11 inches of snow in cold northern states.

Cheers: To Pat Green, the rodeo in Houston and songs about Texas.
Jeers: To having to take a horrible test the first day back.

Cheers: To staying out all night with no worries about tests.
Jeers: To getting bored halfway through Spring Break.

Cheers: To moms that take you shopping.
Jeers: To the first day of classes after Spring Break.

Cheers: To the warm weather and sun.
Jeers: To the 90 minutes it takes to get from Fort Worth to downtown Dallas because of I-30 traffic.

Cheers: To remembering what relaxing is like.
Jeers: To remembering what stress is like.

Cheers: To hanging out with Navy boys!
Jeers: To spending all your money.

Cheers: To the thousands of people worldwide who came out to protest President Bush’s agenda of empire.
Jeers: To the cops having to kill the zoo’s gorilla.

Cheers: To March Madness without classes to interrupt.
Jeers: North Carolina losing to Texas.

Cheers: To women’s basketball team not allowing a potential distraction from their head coach keep them from winning its game against Temple.
Jeers: To UAB for royally screwing up everybody’s bracket.
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