strikes chord with student viewers
Elizabeth Bassett
Doiron walked into the theater around 9 p.m., still in
her purple TCU scrubs and with ashes on her forehead.
She had come to see Mel Gibsons The Passion
of The Christ, and there were still a few red-eyed
people from a previous showing leaving the lobby.
The Passion opened Ash Wednesday, and crowds
of people flocked to theaters that were showing the film.
Several students and faculty members were among those
who made an effort to see the movie on its opening day.
When asked what her expectations were, Doiron, a 7senior
nursing major, said she hoped it would be true to the
text. Thats the big thing that its
Two hours definitely isnt going to capture
everything, Doiron said. It cant. But
as long as they did as well as they can as accurately
as possible, it makes it viewable so people will understand.
Some TCU students saw the film earlier. I think
Im truly shaken to the core, said Cheryl Bellows,
a freshman theater major. It was truly amazing.
I think it would have an impact on everyone unless
you go in with the mentality, this is just another movie,
said Sara Rosborough, a freshman ballet major.
Many critics have said the depiction of the beating and
crucifying of Jesus are extremely violent, but Brittney
Smith, a freshman religion major, said, I think
it had to be to really show what he went through.
That was the most powerful, glorious movie Ive
ever seen. I dont think I realized he went through
so much, Smith said.
Said Rosborough: Through the entire thing I was
thinking, Im so sorry.
Bellows said she felt the message of the movie was one
of love.
It was trying to show that we, as Gods creation,
are so valuable that he would do anything to bring us
back, she said.
Rosborough said, I think you almost have to know
that it was done for you personally to really understand
the movie.
Brent Plate, a professor for TCUs religion department,
has a special interest in religion and the visual arts
and teaches a class about myth and ritual in film during
fall semesters. He saw the film Thursday afternoon.
While the movies power comes from the story telling,
it will be curious to see the overall impact of the film,
he said.
If all it does is raise the attendance of evangelical
churches for two months, it wouldnt be effective,
he said.
The message is not about church attendance. Thats
not what Jesus was about. He was about a social and political
message, Plate said.
Plate said the movie will be successful if it prompts
people to reconsider current social and political issues,
like capital punishment. |
to the Skiff
Gibson directed and financed the movie that has
everyone talking. |