February 26, 2004 |
should improve spending practices
Opinion Editor Jeff
Brubaker is a junior history major from Weslaco.
has a talent for swindling the money out of students
pockets, but probably the worst example of this is the
Student Government Associations recent decision
to buy SuperFrog a new costume. I dont know about
you, but I didnt come here so I could buy the cheerleaders
something new to show off at football games.
I can understand SuperFrogs costume was a little
torn, but was it really SGAs responsibility to pay
for a new one? Why dont the cheerleaders pay for
it, or the athletic department? I would have thought there
was plenty of money there to pay for repairs or to buy
a new suit. SGAs money is meant for the students,
not for various football fans.
Speaking of SGA spending money for students, when was
the last time SGA did something for you? I, for one, get
nothing whatsoever out of SGA. I dont appreciate
concerts put on by has-been wannabe rappers, I dont
watch comedians, I always throw away useless newsletters
I find in my mailbox, and I, along with the majority of
TCU, didnt have a good time playing in fake $4,000
snow in the middle of winter (good one guys).
Someone needs to explain to me why SGA doesnt do
something constructive, like hold barbecues where students
can escape the daily grind of The Main and grab some free
food, or help the university raise money to renovate old
buildings like Milton Daniel Hall. Though I might be beating
a dead issue, it might be nice to see SGA advocating for
more parking or lower tuition.
But thats probably not in their interest. The recent
discussion they co-sponsored on ethics and sports for
example. Did anybody go to that? From what I saw the only
people who showed up were basketball and football players
that were required to attend. I know I wasnt interested
in going. If they werent talking about lowering
tuition or raising financial aid, there wouldnt
be much of a point.
Does SGA even give out any kind of scholarship? Maybe
instead of helping out our oh-so wonderful fraternities
and sororities, SGA should think about the macro-student
population. Do they do this? What about those students
who work two jobs because they can barely afford to come
here? What does SGA do for them?
Im sure any SGA representative would give you a
good long speech about how the SGA does so many great
things for all TCU students, and you can believe them
if you like. As for myself I want my twenty bucks
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