TCU Daily Skiff Tuesday, February 24, 2004
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Air Force service society created
The Silver Wings program returns to TCU and will provide students a chance to support the military through service and fund raising.

By Stacey Grant

Students looking for an opportunity to support the U.S. Air Force will soon be able to with the creation of a program called Silver Wings.

Freshman Air Force ROTC cadet Brett Tillman said he hopes to form a branch of the national Angel Flight Silver Wings by the end of this semester.

Angel Flight Silver Wings is a co-ed honorary service organization that organizes fund-raisers and offers service to the Air Force, Tillman said.

Tillman said he wants to get the program started on campus because it is a great opportunity for students to get involved with the military without actually joining ROTC.

“By reaching out with the Silver Wings program, we are able to reach more people who are looking for ways to offer support to the Air Force,” Tillman said.

Members of Silver Wings will also work alongside TCU’s Air Force Association, an organization consisting of active duty and retired Air Force members, Tillman said.

“Last year, we had an event called ‘Project HOT (Help Our Troops)’ where we sent care packages to soldiers in Iraq,” Tillman said. “This semester, we hope to have ‘Project 2 HOT’ and members of Silver Wings will help organize the event.”

Air Force Commander Heather Estey said Silver Wings was on campus about four years ago, but a lack of interest made it fade away. Six or seven students have currently expressed interest in joining the organization, Estey said.

“Silver Wings is a great opportunity for civilians to get involved in helping with the Air Force ROTC and show their appreciation,” Estey said.

Lt. Col. Wanda Echevarria, assistant professor of aerospace studies, said students involved in Silver Wings will participate in social events and service projects, as well as help with recruiting.

“This is a great opportunity for students looking to track hours for volunteer work,” Echevarria said.

Echevarria said Silver Wings is about making positive role models for the community. One possible service project would be getting members to participate in a high school mentoring program, she said.

Tillman said they are still in the process of getting the organization chartered. Eight members are needed to get it started, but 15 are recommended because of all the paperwork required from the Silver Wings national headquarters, he said.

Along with fund-raisers and military events, members will be able to attend local AFA meetings and hopefully the National Conclave, Tillman said. The Conclave is an annual conference where all Silver Wings meet to plan national events and recognize outstanding members, he said.

Members will most likely have a small payment of dues, but most events will be covered through fund raising, Tillman said.

Any students interested in joining Silver Wings should contact Tillman at
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