February 19, 2004 |
focuses on communication skills
School of Business will hold a two-day event to teach
students the skills they need to succeed in their careers.
Staff Reporter
The Neeley Center for Professional Communication will
sponsor and coordinate the seventh annual Corporate Communication
Workshop today and Friday at the Dee J. Kelly Alumni and
Visitors Center.
Gay Wakefield, director of the CPC, said business students
are not the only people who would benefit from the workshop.
Any student interested in how communication works
in organizations will benefit from the varied workshop
sessions offered, said Wakefield, the coordinator
of the event.
Greg Stephens, chairman of the department of management,
said he hopes students will leave the workshop with the
enthusiasm and curiosity to explore ongoing improvements
in their talking and listening skills, willingness to
practice and a foundational framework for continuing to
build on their new skills.
Shannon Shipp, chairman of the department of marketing,
said his seminar is designed to help spokespeople develop
an ethical response to crises.
The primary goal of my seminar is to give the attendees
a sense of the ethical issues involved in communicating
with various publics after a crisis, Shipp said.
Marion Luna Brem, principal and CEO of Marion Enterprises,
will give the keynote speech at 12:30 p.m. Friday. The
speech will illustrate how to maximize your strengths
and minimize your weaknesses by becoming intimate with
the five beautiful truths about successful managers.
After the speech, Brem will be signing her book, The
7 Greatest Truths About Successful Women. The book
was listed as one of the top ten business books in 2001
by Booklist.
The Coca-Cola Bottling Company of North Texas is the marquee
sponsor of the workshop. Ronnie Morris, central area vice
president, said he is excited about the workshop because
he believes communication is very important in business.
We believe fundamentally that communication skills
are directly linked to good leadership, Morris said.
We really think that the quality of our results
is dependent on the quality of our communication.
Morris said he learned about the workshop after his staff
took a class in business communication skills at the Charles
Tandy American Enterprise Center.
The cost of the workshop is $149. Students can attend
for $75.