February 13, 2004 |
day should be special
Catherine Pillsbury
and Miller Lite.
What else could a guy want for Valentines Day? Maybe
Bud Lite to mix things up a bit and, well ... you know!
But really, what is the point of Valentines?
Dont get me wrong, I enjoy a sweet gesture just
as much as the next girl, but I just dont see the
need that it be on one specific day.
Valentines has always been marketed as that special
day to share with your lover, but how many guys
really care about this day? Well, maybe one.
Lets face it, this day has always been for the women.
With all the pinks and reds everywhere you look, how could
it not be.
I always laughed at the girls in junior high who got a
carnation and would flaunt it around. You know, you could
buy a carnation from the SGA who sells them as a fund-raiser,
and then have it sent to someone. Every girl who got one
would carry it around the whole day to show that she was
special. When I got one, I was more embarrassed
than flattered and it went straight in my locker.
The point is, how many guys did you see carrying a carnation
in junior high. None! Because they didnt care.
The girls acted as though they were the only ones who
got a flower and told everyone about its color,
the ribbon, the note, even though we could see the darn
flower because, yes, they were still holding it. The funny
thing is, every other girl had a flower that looked the
exact same with the same color ribbon.
People sell Valentines to make it seem like its
so special when in fact, the day is just an aphrodisiac
for those who are in a relationship.
However, if a guy does something random, lets say,
for instance, on May 8 he brings his girlfriend flowers,
it is so sweet and nice and she tells all her friends
about this random act of kindness. They get jealous and
tell her how lucky she is. He becomes a god! But if the
same guy did the same thing on Valentines Day, its
not enough! Its never enough, and the guy gets in
Valentines has turned into a day for apologies and
declarations. If the relationship is on the rocks, its
the day you try to salvage anything that was left of it.
Youll tell them that you love them and that you
really do care for them, but you know it will get rocky
I know of a girl who waited until after Valentines
(so she could get the Tiffanys necklace she wanted)
to break up with her boyfriend. Ouch! Guys, if youre
gonna go expensive, make sure she at least likes you!
I blame him for that one, idiot!
If your lover treated you right to begin with, there would
really be no need for Valentines Day, now would
Here my theory: All girls like flowers and nice things
that are unexpected. Even me! But its so much sweeter
when its not expected, unlike on Valentines.
It will mean that much more to her and shell think
that much more of you. Its just not as special anymore
when everyone is getting sweet things on Valentines
Day, it takes away the element of surprise.
So, guys, lets come to a common agreement.
Well watch SportsCenter and drink beer with you
on Valentines if you can guarantee that youll
surprise us with something romantic at least once. We
dont need a Cary Grant, just a guy who acknowledges
that we like sweet, random gestures. |