guide to men's fashion
Amber Liggon
Good fashion does not only apply to women. Men also need
to be paying attention to what they wear. While walking
around campus I can spot at least 20 poorly dressed males
who are guilty of nothing more than having a poor knowledge
of fashion. It seems no one ever informed them on what
to wear and how to wear it. For these lost souls I have
a few pointers for you.
Gentlemen, you must give your toenails some attention.
If you make the decision to wear flip-flops even though
it is 30 degrees outside, at least make sure your toes
are not harvesting a yellow-like fungus and your toenails
are not inching over the edge of your Reef sandals. The
same applies to your fingernails, black grime under the
not cool.
Make sure your clothes fit properly. The most frequently
committed fashion crime are victims sporting a shirt that
sits just above the belt buckle. Easy test: If your tummy
is exposed when you raised your arms, take off the shirt!
I know there are a lot of you out there who are huge fans
of the whole scruffy, Abercrombie, I try not to look like
I tried look, which is great. However, in attempt at achieving
this look, many fellows begin to leave basic hygiene behind.
For example, you can still sport the shaggy haircut and
remain clean-cut at the same time. Try shaving
at least once every couple days to avoid looking like
a homeless person. Also trim up those sideburns and if
needed, pluck your eyebrows (its not just a girl
thing I promise).
Colors are good, in fact, they are great. Guys, you may
have noticed when you or your friends sport a bright color
the ladies swoon with compliments. Dont be afraid
to add a little color to your wardrobe ... its nice.
It makes you stand out in a sea of blues and grays that
swallows most mens wardrobes.
Shoes. Just as the old saying goes, You can always
tell a guy by his shoes. If your shoes are old,
stinky and icky, then well
so are you. Buy new
ones! People will notice and it gives you an excuse to
go shopping. And while we are on the subject, please make
sure the shoes match the belt. Black shoes means a black
belt and brown shoes
Well, you get the picture.
Hats have become a new trend for guys. No, not the trucker
hat, that was over when Ashton Kutcher started wearing
one. Im talking more along the lines of a newsboy
cap, a fedora hat or perhaps a simple fitted baseball
cap is always cute and simple. But remember, hats change
with the seasons, this means no beanies in the summer,
thats just weird.
Accessorize! Every guy should have in their possession
a nice wallet and a polished watch. These items are staples
to your wardrobe. If you do not already have them in your
possession, buy them!
The biggest tip I can offer you is keep it clean and simple.
If you are at all questioning your outfit then you should
not be wearing it. It is possible to remain comfortable
and stylish simultaneously. Try, but dont try too
Oh, and one last thing ... Take this article and keep
it with you. Fold it in your wallet, stick it to your
mirror ... Do whatever it takes because, seriously guys,
this is important. You are in college, the least you can
learn is how to dress well.
Chacko/Photo Edito
meets casual: Good fashion doesnt rely on
polos and khakis but on the snazzy details. Wide-band
arm accessories compliment any outfit without looking
feminine. Pearl snap shirts and simple patterns
add class to vintage style. |