Recreation Center turns 1 year old
take a break from exercise, celebrate with cake
University Recreation Center celebrates its one-year anniversary
Tuesday with food, fun and festivities.
Erica Parker
Staff Reporter
Red and purple balloons, free Panera Bread sandwiches
and a cake cutting ceremony with the chancellor helped
kick off the University Recreation Centers one-year
birthday celebration Tuesday.
Chancellor Victor Boschini opened the festivities with
a brief speech and was the first person to take a bite
of the red, white and purple cakes.
The Recreation Center is an integral part of the
campus, Boschini said. Its a great physical
structure and were blessed to have this.
Students and faculty can come together on a common
ground and be equal. Everyone wears shorts, he said.
The university is celebrating the $30 million facilitys
one-year birthday because the center has made a major
impact on campus, said Cristie Mitchell, assistant director
of campus recreation.
Students and faculty had the chance to win massages, personal
training sessions, T-shirts and Rippit class passes.
John Walls, a junior advertising/public relations major,
said he has used the recreation center since it opened
last spring, but thought the party was a great way to
entice students who dont normally go there.
Michelle Bouchillon, a junior political science major,
took a break from weight lifting when she saw the free
food and cake. She said the facility promotes healthy
workouts in a nonthreatening way.
The recreation center is big enough where you dont
feel intimidated by other people, but it is small enough
to get help when needed, Bouchillon said. |
Martinez/ Staff Photographer
Office representative Amy Goodson helps kick off
the celebration by serving cake to attendees of
the University Recreation Centers first birthday
party Tuesday afternoon. |