night attracts more listeners
hosts receive better feedback after change in show
The Good Show brings in a larger audience
and local flavor thanks to shows time change.
Staff Reporter
More listeners are turning into KTCUs, The
Good Show now that it has moved to Sunday nights.
Hosts Tom Urquhart and Chris Bellomy switched from their
Saturday morning slot to attract more local artists and
a bigger audience.
And get more sleep.
Basically we are sharper because we are not up at
the crack of dawn, Urquhart said. Weve
had a positive response and now we can finally sleep in.
KTCU employees said its evident more people are
listening from the amount of calls they receive.
Bellomy and Urquhart say theyre supporters of local
music and live shows, so catching a Friday night gig is
easier. Local artists are also more apt to come in Sunday
nights for on-air performances.
The great thing is local bands can get air time
because its a crime that they dont,
said Steve Levering, a journalism professor and avid listener.
The Good Show features a modern-rock mix with
comedy sketches mixed in. The goal is to rile up listeners
with a variety of music and off-the-cuff comedy, Urquhart
Finding the formula to get listeners to react is
the hard part, Bellomy said. Contrary to commercial
radio, we never want listeners to only have narrow, safe
and bland music. We are opposite of that.
Bellomy and Urquhart control the airwaves. Each three-hour
show is unscripted and unrehearsed.
We would rather fall face-flat three out of five
times and hit twice with really good shows, Bellomy
said. We free-form our playlist and fly by the seat
of our pants. There is always a risk.
Risk-taking caught the attention of the Dallas Observer.
The alternative newspaper has nominated the show for its
annual music show awards the past three years. Although
they havent won, Urquhart says its nice to
rub elbows with the big guys.
We have cross-over listeners, no commercials and
fans of local bands who tune in, Urquhart said.
Its endearing that we arent some polished
radio station and have fun with it.
Bellomy and Urquhart have known each other for 25 years.
The show basically reflects the dreams discussed over
a table at Dunkin Donuts when they were high school
The comedic banter has never stopped, Urquhart said.
We are like brothers from a different mother,
Urquhart said. Still from high school days we think
were clever despite any evidence to the contrary.
Said Bellomy: We only have 3,000 watts, no promotions
budget and our coolness. Doing what you love is something
I would do for free. Oh wait, I already do!
For more information, go to www.goodshow.net.
Halasz/Staff Photographer
graduate Tom Urquhart hosts his specialty show,
The Good Show, Sunday night in the KTCU
on-air studio in Moudy Building South. |