January 23, 2004 |
seeks to better advising
Academic Affairs Committee is studying how each college
advises its students to find ways to improve the process.
Matt Turner
House of Student Representatives will research ways to
improve academic advising because inconsistent advising
is preventing some students from graduating on time, said
Anthony Oppermann, chairman of the Academic Affairs Committee.
The committee was created to give students a way to communicate
concerns on any academic issues on campus. Oppermann said
the committee wants to be well-informed and establish
a good relationship with the Faculty Senate so the two
bodies can have an open conversation about expectations
for advisers and students. He said he hopes to work out
a compromise by the end of the semester.
To research the issue, the committee, whose members have
yet to be named, will visit each college to study their
advising process, as well as learn the stance of the Faculty
Senate. Oppermann said the research will help determine
what areas need work.
Oppermann said that if you walk around campus, the majority
of students believe advising needs to be improved. Everyone
on the SGA retreat selected improving advising as a priority
for this semester, he said.
Chris Hinds, a freshman pre-major, said his adviser didnt
even show up for his advising session during orientation
last summer despite a line outside her office. Others
students interviewed criticized the process.
But the percentage of students who make formal complaints
is small, said Lynn Cole, director of the Neeley Student
Resource Center. The department has professional advisers,
in addition to faculty, who serve as mentors.
Cole said she hopes TCU promotes the professional development
of advisers, and supports the concept of a central advising
system to guide freshman and new transfer students through
their University Curriculum Requirements.
From 1999 to 2003, students were not required to be advised.
Registrar Pat Miller said it is hard to say whether that
is affecting students now.
Miller said SGA was behind the change last year that made
advising mandatory for a students first three semesters
on campus. He said the journalism and radio-TV-film departments
block registration until students are advised.
Former SGA President Brad Thompson said the task force
last spring was pleased with the new rules, but added
that hes glad the House is continuing to look at
ways to improve advising.
Oppermann believes that if TCU can offer quality advising
for every student, it should be mandatory. However, Cole
believes it should be required for freshmen and sophomores,
but not upperclassmen because their intent to graduate
motivates them to be advised. |