future is now showing

theater captures moviegoers interest
Features Editor
Its a toss up when going to the movies. Do you drive farther
to look for a parking
spot almost aimlessly and sit next to strangers, or do you go close
by and sit in an almost 90 degree angle seat with no cup holders,
and your feet glued to the ground because of the coke that spilled
last week and the JuJuBes that some punk kid put in his mouth and
then threw to see if it would stick to anything. But really, its
a tossup.
At least it was until December when Rave Motion Pictures opened
The Rave, the hot new spot for moviegoers. The 13-screen theater
at the Ridgmar Mall is perfect for any moviegoing experience from
a date to a night with friends. The overly dramatic neon lights
are like stepping into a funhouse, but inside, the 4 feet between
the rows allow even the tallest movie buff to have an enjoyable
time, a perk nearby theaters lack.
The a few of the closest theaters to TCU are AMC Hulen 10, United
Artists Hulen 10, and Loews Cineplex on Bryant Irvin. The problem
with some of these, however, is their upkeep. Though they could
easily be ranked from least appealing to not that bad, they all
seem to exert a sense of this place is pretty old or
ghetto, for a lack of a better term.
Being comfortable in a movie is a thing of the future when going
to these three theaters. One of them (I wont say which one
for their protection, but its not on Hulen), has straight
backs on their seats that will recline only a bit more. Still, sitting
at a 99 degree angle in a seat with torn material isnt any
more comfortable. The same theater has no cup holders for the drink
that (I admit) I bring in, but if they dont care, why should
I, right? Tickets arent even bought at a ticket window anymore
but instead, inside at the concession stand. Probably because there
is no need for a ticket window due to the lack of patrons they have
attending their theater. Thus having no student discount. What a
Going hand-in-hand with the up-keep is the cleanliness factor. Maybe
Im just paranoid, but I prefer not to use two toilet seat
covers. The overall essence of the theaters is not up to par to
what a moviegoing experience should be; theyre just too run
The downtown theaters on the other hand are a bit more exciting
and more of an event to attend. Theyve got the lights and
the glamour of a two-story theater. Going from Bryant Irvin to downtown
is like going from rags to riches.
The downside: driving and parking. On any given weekend night, lines
can be seen trailing from the ticket window. On an opening night,
the line can be around the corner. Those same people standing in
the lines are the people who got all the good parking spots ahead
of everyone else, meaning you.
If you have trouble driving through the escapade of the big city,
its an even bigger adventure ... problem, whichever. Then,
because of less theaters and less showings, you get to sit next
to those same people and rub elbows with them during the movie.
Stimulating, huh? These theaters also have some trash around that
give it a subway feeling, but at least your feet dont stick
to the floor.
And then theres The Rave. Its like a breath of fresh
air, literally. Its clean, new, exciting and what a moviegoing
experience should be. Like when our grandparents went to the movies
for the first time as children, its like that for us now.
For the first time, we are going to the movies as it was intended.
Comfortably. The space in the lobby makes a 200 person crowd seem
like half that. Though there are still lines, they are not as bad
because of the multiple ticket windows, show times and screens.
More parking is another perk to the new theater that makes any hint
of a crowd quickly dissipate once inside. With no parking garages
and an additional entrance other than just through the mall, you
can hardly tell theyre connected. The 3,200 comfortable rocket
seats, arranged in stadium seating, provides a perfect line of vision
wherever you sit. The extra 4 feet between the rows are just a bonus.
Plus, retractable arm rests with built-in cup holders for the couple
(like the one who sat in front of us) who just have to snuggle during
the movie. The drive time is a bit shorter compared to downtown,
and its a straight shot right off the highway. Much easier
than winding through one-way streets.
With all the extravagances, theres no doubt The Rave is taking
business from the other theaters.
We opened as the leading theater in town and have remained
there, said Jeremy Devine, director of marketing for Rave
Motion Pictures.
Not too old, not too far ... mmm, just right. No longer a toss up.
Though my seat still got bumped and people still talked throughout
the movie, The Rave was a pleasant experience compared to going
downtown or other area theaters.