Boschini makes wife and kids a priority
at work and home keep Chancellor Boschini running, day after day.
By Meghan
Skiff Staff
He has spent seven months in his new Fort Worth home, but Victor Boschinis
closet is still unorganized.
The universitys 10th chancellor does not have much time to arrange
his clothing. In addition to TCU commitments, Boschini also juggles
demands as a husband and father.
As the TCU community looks to the chancellor to lead it into the future,
Boschinis wife, Megan, and his children, Elizabeth, 16, Mary
Catherine, 14, Edward, 10, and Margaret, 8, are relying on him, too.
With such a full house, Boschini admits he could make better breakfast
choices when his day begins around 6:30 a.m.
This week its Pop Tarts, Boschini says. They
were on sale at Sams Club.
Breakfast time means Boschini has already woken his two teenage girls
and helped his younger children lay out their school uniforms.
I feel like my wife does so much more than me since Im
gone so many nights, Boschini says. I try to do as much
as possible in the mornings.
By 8:30 a.m. today, Boschini will have met with Cornell Thomas, his
assistant for diversity and community. Before the morning is out,
he will also meet with a vice chancellor and a campus committee.
As the day continues, it does not get any less hectic. After a lunch
meeting with editors from the Fort Worth Business Press, Boschini
is off to a doctors appointment, then to speak to members of
TCU Ambassadors, and to a dinner with alumni.
From fundraising concerns to TCUs plans for the future, Boschini
manages it all.
The chancellor handles the demands on his time quite well,
executive assistant Mary Nell Kirk says. I honestly dont
know how he does it.
Kirk says working with Boschini is a great privilege.
Each of the three chancellors Ive worked for have been
wonderful leaders and just what TCU needed at their time of service,
Kirk says. But each has his own style.
He goes at break-neck speed all day long every day, Kirk
says. Hopefully, this will slow down after his first year of
learning the ropes, but it may just be his energetic style.
Kirk says she tries to give the chancellor 30 minutes to an hour at
his desk each day so he can get some work done, but it does not happen
very often. Most of his appointments are scheduled at least three
weeks in advance.
While Boschinis day stays full, former SGA President Brad Thompson
says he has been amazed with the chancellors responsiveness.
I needed to speak with him about something urgent, and he e-mailed
me and said he would call me at 9 a.m. the next day, Thompson,
a senior radio-TV-film major, said in an e-mail. At 8:59 a.m.,
my phone rang and I went right in to see him.
Whenever he can, Boschini tries to work in time with his family, which
he says has adjusted well to the move from Normal, Ill., where he
served as president at Illinois State University. Although he is on
campus many nights for a dinner or event, Boschini says he tries to
bring his children as often as possible.
I think it is good for them to be exposed to many of the college
events, Boschini says. And it seems like college students,
especially, love seeing a real kid around once in awhile.
With a full day behind him, Boschini says he keeps in shape by running
three or four nights a week. If he is not running, at 8:30 p.m. Boschini
puts his two younger kids to bed.
We usually read and I fall asleep on their bed before they do,
the chancellor says. My wife wakes me up later and I try to
answer e-mails and read through mail before really going to bed sometime
around midnight.
As he prepares for bed, Boschini says he tries to mentally organize
the things he has to do the next day. He even consults a weekly calendar.
I generally look at it at night to see if I need to remember
anything special the next day, Boschini says. (For example)
take my wallet since I am going to a lunch and will need parking money
or get a map to wherever they are meeting me.
The chancellor says he feels most guilty about not spending enough
time with his wife and children.
My wife is the best; and she really is a single parent who lives
with another parent, Boschini says. Whenever I am feeling
sorry for myself or thinking my schedule is not manageable, I think
of her and I smile and I continue on because it really is nothing
compared to taking care of four other human beings and meeting their
every need.
The chancellors wife, Megan, says that while Boschini helps
out as much as he can at home, his job demands the flexibility of
someone who is not tied down by family commitments.
Sometimes I tell him that he is an independent operator for
a married man with four children, Megan Boschini says.
Because Boschini and his wife go out a lot, his wife says the two
of them prefer to stay home and relax when he does get some free time.
The treat is to stay home, Megan Boschini says. When
the older girls are out, and the younger ones are in bed. We say wow.
What do we do with this time?
The chancellors wife says the nice thing about moving was starting
off with a clean plate, without extra community or extracurricular
But as Boschinis two oldest daughters have settled in, they
have become involved in ballet, basketball, volleyball and their school
play. The youngest children are focusing on schoolwork, his wife says.
Its always a juggle, Boschinis wife says.
You have to be flexible. Things change at the last minute. You
have to be everywhere, see everyone, meet everyone.
Now with a semester under his belt, Boschini says he plans to be at
TCU 24 more years. Now 47, the chancellor would be 71.
I am certain I could do it, Boschini says. My dad
is 82 and still has just about as much energy as people my age. |
Spillman/ Staff Photographer
Margaret shows off her newly earned Camp Fire badges. |
Chacko/ Photo Editor
right in: Boschinis show off their more well -organized
closets. The family can be found here throughout the day as
they race from place to place.. |
Halasz/Staff Photographer
Boschini puts in his hours in his office on the third floor
of Sadler Hall. |
Spillman/ Staff Photographer
Boschinis: (left to right) Elizabeth, Margaret, wife Megan,
Edward, dad (Boschini), and Mary Catherine. |